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Quadro Desktop/Quadro Notebook Driver Release 450

Version: R450 U5 (452.57)  WHQL
Release Date: 2020.10.29
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Language: English (US)
File Size: 405.27 MB

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Additional information
Release 450 is an 'Optimal Drivers for Enterprise' (ODE) branch release. ODE branches are
designed and tested to provide long-term stability and availability, making drivers from these branches ideal for enterprise customers and other users requiring application and hardware certification.

Quadro ODE drivers are a superset of the NVIDIA Studio Drivers and provide all the benefits of the Studio Driver, in addition to Quadro-specific enhancements and testing.

What’s New in Version 450 U5

  • This release includes performance improvements.
Open Issues in Version 450 U5

  • [Alchemist]: The application crashes when either changing the display resolution or switching to another display with a different resolution.

  • To workaround, avoid changing the resolution, or disconnecting from or connecting to an external display with the application opened.

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