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Quadro Desktop/Quadro Notebook Driver Release 387

Version: R387 U2 (388.16)
Release Date: 2017.11.2
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Language: English (US)
File Size: 325.95 MB

Release Highlights
Supported products
Additional information
Release 387 is a Quadro New Feature (QNF) driver. This driver is from the most recent driver release branch from NVIDIA, and contains the latest new features and functionality. It has been tested for workstation environments, and is recommended only for those users who need specific features mentioned in the release highlights or release notes.

For the most stable and fully supported enterprise driver please use the 'Quadro ODE Graphics Driver' downloadable from the main NVIDIA Driver download page.

New in Release R387 U2

  • NVIDIA Ansel Screenshot Feature
      The NVIDIA Ansel in-application screenshot feature is enabled in the Quadro display driver. To use Ansel, applications must implement this feature through the publicly available Ansel SDK. For more information, including access to the Ansel SDK, game engine plug-ins, and additional resources, please visit:
  • Support for OpenGL 4.6

Additional Notes
  • This release is targeted towards early adopters of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.  General deployment is recommended with the next Optimal Driver for Enterprise (ODE) release.

Open Issues in Release R387 U2

  • [Notebook][eGPU][Sony Catalyst 2017]: The application viewport is blank after selecting the eGPU as the video processing device.
  • [Multi-GPU Mosaic]: Displays go blank upon disabling the Mosaic topology, then the primary GPU is disabled upon restarting the system.
  • [Quadro M6000][Quadro Sync]: Unexpected flashing may appear on the display connected to the second GPU.
    Please consult your NVIDIA support team for details on resolving this behavior.
  • [Multi-GPU Mosaic][Quadro Sync]: Application corruption and possible blue-screen crash occurs when enabling WARP while Mosaic and Quadro Sync are enabled.

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