What’s New in GeForce NOW 2.0.14

Get In The Game Faster

  • Game sessions should launch 2-3 seconds faster, thanks to some backend magic in this update. That’s 10% faster on average.
  • Think of what you can do with this extra free time. You can learn a new language, or eat a pre-game snack. We vote snacks.

Game Patching Notifications

  • Our new app will now show if a game is patching before you launch it. Know before you go.
  • More info on our game patching process is a big priority for us, and we’re thrilled to make this easier for you. 

Additional Language Support

  • The GeForce NOW app adds support for the following languages: UK English, Latin America Spanish, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian.

Improved App Visuals

  • Various tweaks to the way the app looks, including small changes to top-banner game images. Kind of like when Mom licks a napkin to clean your little brother’s face, but it’s a software engineer and somehow less awkward.

Other Things

  • Parles-tu Français ? Because if you do and you use a French keyboard you might have found our problem with using the “@” symbol to login to digital stores or game launchers.  We have written workaround steps here and are working on a real fix in a future app update.

Tell Us What You’re Thinking

  • GeForce NOW gets better because of your feedback. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and share your thoughts.