What’s New in GeForce NOW 2.0.10

Get Ready To Read More

  • Release Highlights Are Here. GFN app v2.0.10 adds our in-app systems that lists improvements and fixes in each app update - that’s this thing. These words here. And below. All of them.  

  • More Than Just Patch Notes. Future Release Highlights will showcase key new features, bug fixes, and GeForce NOW tutorials. Some in the biz call this “Rich Media Content.” We call it the new normal.

Squashed bugs!

  • Fixed A Bug where we didn’t have Release Highlights. Yay!
  • The Background Stuff. Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Let’s Hear From You

  • We <3 feedback. Almost as much as we love playing games. Want to send us some? Use that big SEND FEEDBACK link in the app.