This is a reference driver that can be installed on supported NVIDIA Quadro NVS notebook GPUs. However, please note that your notebook original equipment manufacturer (OEM) provides certified drivers for your specific notebook on their website. NVIDIA recommends that you check with your notebook OEM about recommended software updates for your notebook. OEMs may not provide technical support for issues that arise from the use of this driver.
Before downloading this driver:
- Please check to make sure that your notebook has a supported GPU and is not listed in the exclusion list (refer to the Products Supported tab below).
- It is recommended that you backup your current system configuration. Click here for instructions.
- Beta driver for Quadro NVS series notebook GPUs. Refer to the Products Supported tab for the list of supported GPUs and notebooks. Some notebooks are not supported by this release.
- Supports NVIDIA CUDA technology.
- Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, and known compatibility issues.
NVIDIA welcomes feedback on these notebook reference drivers. Click here to provide feedback.
The following notebooks are not supported in this release:
- Dell Latitude notebooks (please contact the notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)
- HP Compaq notebooks (please contact the notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)
- Lenovo ThinkPad notebooks (please contact the notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)
- Any notebook that is launched after the release date of this driver