GPU-Accelerated Libraries for AI and HPC

Developers, researchers, and inventors across a wide range of domains use GPU programming to accelerate their applications. Developing these applications requires a robust programming environment with highly optimized, domain-specific libraries. NVIDIA CUDA-X, built on top of CUDA®, is a collection of libraries, tools, and technologies that deliver dramatically higher performance than alternatives across multiple application domains—from artificial intelligence to high performance computing.

Acceleration for Modern Applications

CUDA-X AI and CUDA-X HPC libraries work seamlessly with NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs to accelerate the development and deployment of applications across multiple domains.

  • <span>Cuda-X AI</span>

    Cuda-X AI

  • <span>Cuda-X HPC</span>

    Cuda-X HPC

Modern AI has the potential to disrupt many industries, but harnessing its power is challenging. Developing AI applications takes many steps—data processing, feature engineering, machine learning, verification, and deployment—and each step involves processing large volumes of data and performing massive computing operations. CUDA-X AI provides the tools and technologies needed to conquer this challenge.

CUDA-X AI Ecosystem Diagram

HPC applications span many domains from fluid dynamics to weather simulation. CUDA-X HPC is a collection of libraries, tools, compilers and APIs that help developers solve the world's most challenging problems. CUDA-X HPC includes highly tuned kernels essential for high-performance computing (HPC). GPU-accelerated libraries for linear algebra, parallel algorithms, signal and image processing lay the foundation for compute-intensive applications in areas such as computational physics, chemistry, molecular dynamics, and seismic exploration.


Available Everywhere

CUDA-X is widely available. Its software-acceleration libraries are part of leading cloud platforms, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. They’re free as individual downloads or containerized software stacks from NGC. CUDA-X libraries can be deployed everywhere on NVIDIA GPUs, including desktops, workstations, servers, supercomputers, cloud computing, and internet of things (IoT) devices.

Over one million developers are using CUDA-X, providing the power to increase productivity while benefiting from continuous application performance. Whether you’re creating a new application or trying to speed up an existing one, CUDA-X provides the most efficient, effective path forward.

Unlock Gpu Power for Applications

Explore the domains being transformed by NVIDIA CUDA-X and the GPU-accelerated libraries available within them.