vSphere on BlueField FAQs

  • What is it?

    VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine is a rearchitecture of VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) that supports all the new requirements of modern enterprise applications. It leverages smart network interface cards (SmartNICs) and data processing units (DPUs) to deliver maximum performance, zero-trust security, and simplified operations to VCF deployments.

  • Who is it for?

    VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine is ideally positioned for enterprises of all sizes and industries that are modernizing their hybrid cloud infrastructure to meet the demands of next-generation applications.

  • What are the benefits?

    Enabling VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine with NVIDIA BlueField® DPUs offers improved performance, enhanced visibility and security, improved efficiency, steamlined business operations, and reduced deployment downtime. In addition, NVIDIA LaunchPad enables enterprises to remotely access a vSphere environment for a free hands-on lab. Apply to experience these benefits firsthand.

  • What can I do with it?

    VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine empowers organizations to securely and consistently run applications—including cloud-native and 5G, machine learning and AI, and more—across hybrid/multi-cloud environments. This provides a single platform for running virtual machines and containers with a common operating model.

  • How much does it cost?

    VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine is a VMware-licensed product. For the total cost of ownership (TCO), consult your VMware and/or OEM channel partner.

  • How do I buy it?

    VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine consists of various software and hardware components. Please contact VMware for specific hardware requirements.

  • What's new in VMware vSphere for VMware customers?

    VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine introduces a new architecture for VMware Cloud Foundation, where ESXi, NSX, and other software components now run on DPUs to enable offloading, accelerating, and isolating workloads from the CPU to enable the CPU to more efficiently process core application tasks. This results in accelerated job completion times, significant TCO savings, and improved security by enabling a zero-trust security approach.

  • Who provides support?

    vSphere Distributed Services Engine is VMware's next-generation VMware Cloud Foundation solution and will be supported by them. If needed, VMware will contact NVIDIA for help.

  • Can I try vSphere on BlueField?

    To apply for a free hands-on lab of vSphere with BlueField on LaunchPad, please fill out this form.


vSphere with BlueField on LaunchPad FAQs