Workshop: February 18 2022, 2:00 to 7:15 p.m. IST


Join us for a workshop where we’ll take you through building and deploying SOTA conversational AI applications with real-world industry use cases.

Conversational AI solutions need to train complex models across multiple modalities. This requires a deployment solution that uses frameworks to capture and manage inputs from multiple sensors. The deployment needs to realize a micro services approach delivering easy integration and simple to use APIs. The catch, then, is to deliver this with high accuracy and real time response. 

Over this day-long workshop, NVIDIA experts will take you through a detailed guided walkthrough starting with the state of conversational AI today, and then deep diving into the conversational  building blocks.

We’ll also explore Industry use cases such as:

  • Smart video conferencing with real-time translation and text-to-speech with photo animation “live portrait” and eye contact
  • Enabling metaverse-ready AI avatars that are customizable and can communicate with customers, understanding their intent and then make meaningful recommendations
  • Creating a unique custom voice for conversational AI chatbot with 30 minutes of audio data for training
  • The NVIDIA Audio2Face Streaming Audio Player, which will enable a new generation of expressive facial animation from just an audio source powered by AI

Explore a hands-on walkthrough of the workflow involved in deploying of fine-tuned models and  explore challenges related to performance optimization and scaling deployment. This  will be followed by a session on efficiently developing and deploying Large-Scale Language Models  like GPT3 to enable the  build of domain-specific chatbots, personal assistants, and other AI applications that understand language with unprecedented subtlety and nuance.


Tools, libraries, and frameworks

The workshop will use end-to-end conversational AI tools from NVIDIA. Including Riva, NeMo, TAO Toolkit, TensorRT, and Triton.


Prerequisites for hands-on

This session can be attended in two modes-–with and without hands-on instruction.

If you're attending the hands-on session (which will include creating an application of conversational AI using NVIDIA Riva), please come prepared with a GPU-enabled system or cloud instance. Following are the prerequisites to try hands-on programming during the session: 

If you don’t want to or cannot come prepared with the prerequisites for hands-on instruction, you can attend the session and watch as the instructor demos how to build a conversational AI application.


Schedule Topic Instructor
02:00 pm to
02:30 pm IST
Intro (30 mins)
02:30 pm to
03:30 pm IST
Build a Conversational AI Application (60 mins)
  • Conversational AI - State of Play
  • Conversational AI Use Cases and Adoption Across Industries
  • India Opportunity
  • Building Blocks of Conversational AI Applications
  • Challenges - Multiple Modalities, Complex Models, Sensor Fusion, Deployment while achieving High Accuracy with Low Latency
  • Pre-Trained Models and Deployment at Scale (Technologies - NVIDIA Riva, NVIDIA TensorRT & Triton)
  • Fine tuning of Models and Custom Deployment (Technologies - NVIDIA TAO)
Meriem Bendris
Senior Deep Learning Data Scientist
03:30 pm to
03:45 pm IST
Break (15 mins)
03:45 pm to
04:30 pm IST
Industry Use Cases - Demo (45 mins)
  • Smart video conferencing
  • Enabling AI Avatars ready for metaverse
  • Create a unique custom voice for conversational AI chatbot
  • Audio2Face Streaming Audio Player
Sunil Kumar
Jang Bahadur

Senior Solutions Architect


Solution Engineer
04:30 pm to
05:15 pm IST
Inference and Deployment (45 mins)
  • Explore challenges related to performance, optimization, and scaling in production deployment of conversational AI applications
  • Gain an understanding of the inference deployment process
  • Analyze non-functional requirements and their implications
  • Use a Helm Chart to deploy a conversational AI application with a Kubernetes cluster
Vikash Kumar
Senior Alliance Manager, Developer Relations
05:15 pm to
06:15 pm IST
A Practical Walkthrough (60 mins)
Handson for detailed workflow of building and deploying a voice based conversational AI chatbot for a domain-specific Q&A including ASR, NLU and TTS implementations

Participants who come prepared with the GPU resources as given in the Prerequisites for hands-on will be able to do this part hands-on
Vikash Kumar
Senior Alliance Manager, Developer Relations
06:15 pm to
06:30 pm IST
Break (15 mins)
06:30 pm to
07:00 pm IST
Efficiently Training Large-Scale Language Models (30 mins)
Session will discuss how to efficiently develop and deploy Large-Scale Language Models like GPT3 to enable the build of domain-specific chatbots, personal assistants and other AI applications that understand language with unprecedented levels of subtlety and nuance.
(Technologies - NVIDIA NeMo™, NVIDIA NeMo Megatron)
Meriem Bendris
Senior Deep Learning Data Scientist
07:00 pm to
07:15 pm IST
Q&As (15 mins)

Join Us for Conversational AI Applications Workshop