This is a reference driver that can be installed on supported NVIDIA GeForce notebook GPUs. However, please note that your notebook original equipment manufacturer (OEM) provides certified drivers for your specific notebook on their website. NVIDIA recommends that you check with your notebook OEM about recommended software updates for your notebook. OEMs may not provide technical support for issues that arise from the use of this driver.
Before downloading this driver:
- Please check to make sure that your notebook has a supported GPU (refer to the Products Supported tab below).
- It is recommended that you backup your current system configuration. Click here for instructions.
- If you own a Dell Inspiron 1420, Dell XPS M1330, or Dell XPS M1530 it is highly recommended that you first install this Dell software update.
Release Highlights :
- This driver supports GeForce 8M, 9M, 100M, and 200M-series notebook GPUs. Refer to the Products Supported tab for the list of supported GPUs and notebooks. Some notebooks are not supported by this release.
- Adds support for CUDA 2.2 for improved performance in GPU Computing applications. See for more details.
- Expands GPU hardware acceleration for the NVIDIA Video Encoding library to GPUs with less than 32 cores. Applications using this library include CyberLink PowerDirector 7, Nero Move it 1.5, Loilo SuperLoiloScope MARS, and CyberLink MediaShow Espresso.
- Adds support for Ambient Occlusion – the newest NVIDIA Control Panel feature to offer enhanced 3D gaming realism exclusively to GeForce GPUs
- Accelerates performance in several 3D applications. The following are examples of improvements measured with Release 185 drivers vs. Release 179 drivers (results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings):
- Up to 25% performance increase in The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
- Up to 22% performance increase in Crysis: Warhead with antialiasing enabled
- Up to 11% performance increase in Fallout 3 with antialiasing enabled
- Up to 14% performance increase in Far Cry 2
- Up to 45% performance increase in Mirror’s Edge with antialiasing enabled
- Includes full support for OpenGL 3.0.
- Supports NVIDIA PhysX hardware acceleration on GPUs with a minimum of 256MB dedicated graphics memory (this driver package installs NVIDIA PhysX System Software v9.09.0203).
- Supports GeForce Plus Power Pack #3. Download these FREE PhysX and CUDA applications now!
- Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL.
- Supports NVIDIA SLI Multi-monitor support, giving you the ability to use two monitors with your GeForce graphics cards in SLI mode. Learn more here.
- Includes numerous bug fixes.
- Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, and known compatibility issues.
NVIDIA welcomes feedback on these notebook reference drivers. Click here to provide feedback.
The following notebooks are not supported in this release:
- Hybrid SLI notebooks:
- Acer Aspire 7530
- BenQ Joybook S42
- Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Xi 3650
- MSI EX630
- Qosmio X305-Q706
- Qosmio X305-Q708
- Fujitsu notebooks – (please contact the notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks). Note: Fujitsu Siemens (FSC) notebooks are supported in this release
- Lenovo ThinkPad notebooks (please contact the notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)
- Sony VAIO notebooks (please contact the notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)
- Any notebook that is launched after the release date of this driver