File partitioning and Bucketing are common optimization techniques in Spark SQL. They can be helpful for reducing data skew and data shuffling by pre-aggregating data in files or directories. DataFrames can be sorted, partitioned, and/or bucketed when saved as persistent tables. Partitioning optimizes reads by storing files in a hierarchy of directories based on the given columns. For example, when we partition a DataFrame by year:
.option("path", "/data ")
The directory would have the following structure:

After partitioning the data, when queries are made with filter operators on the partition column, the Spark SQL catalyst optimizer pushes down the partition filter to the datasource. The scan reads only the directories that match the partition filters, reducing disk I/O and data loaded into memory. For example, the following query reads only the files in the year = '2019' directory.
df.filter("year = '2019')
When visualizing the physical plan for this query, you will see Scan PrunedInMemoryFileIndex[ /data/year=2019], PartitionFilters: [ (year = 2019)] .
Similar to partitioning, bucketing splits data by a value. However, bucketing distributes data across a fixed number of buckets by a hash on the bucket value, whereas partitioning creates a directory for each partition column value. Tables can be bucketed on more than one value and bucketing can be used with or without partitioning. If we add bucketing to the previous example, the directory structure is the same as before, with data files in the year directories grouped across four buckets by hour.
.option("path", "/data ")
After bucketing the data, aggregations and joins (wide transformations) on the bucketed value do not have to shuffle data between partitions, reducing network and disk I/O. Also, bucket filter pruning will be pushed to the datasource reducing disk I/O and data loaded into memory. The following query pushes down the partition filter on year to the datasource and avoids the shuffle to aggregate on hour.
df.filter("year = '2019')
Partitioning should only be used with columns used frequently in queries for filtering and that have a limited number of column values with enough corresponding data to distribute the files in the directories. Small files are less efficient with excessive parallelism and too few large files can hurt parallelism. Bucketing works well when the number of unique bucketing column values is large and the bucketing column is used often in queries.