
最先進的人工智慧 為企業準備就緒


生成式 AI 的最新突破為企業帶來全新的多樣性和洞見。現在,全球最先進的 AI 平台——NVIDIA AI——將為每個企業組織打造頂尖進展。憑藉一層層的創新—— AI 超級電腦、人工智慧平台軟體、人工智慧模型和服務——所打造出無限可能。您可以打破籓籬、隨時隨地使用該平台。跨越公有及私有雲,立即開始您的 AI 之旅。

AI 超級電腦

NVIDIA DGX™ Cloud 是一個全方位的 AI 訓練服務,可讓企業在先進的雲端平台上立即存取他們自己的超級電腦,並可透過瀏覽器進行大規模的多節點訓練。

AI 平台軟體

NVIDIA AI Enterprise  是 NVIDIA AI 平台的軟體,能夠驅動 AI 的端對端工作流程。加速資料科學管道,並簡化生產 AI 的開發和部署流程。

AI 模型和服務

探索 NVIDIA AI Foundations 的強大功能,
可為您的企業客製化和操作生成式 AI 模型的雲端服務。


使用 NVIDIA NIM,體驗、原型和部署可在任何地方運行的生產就緒 API,加速人工智慧解決方案的開發

NVIDIA 人工智慧解決方案

預防疾病、生成人類編寫的程式碼、對話或影像、徹底改變數據分析。這些只是 NVIDIA AI 實現的一些重大突破。

Generative AI

Customize and deploy pretrained foundation models.

Generative AI capabilities are taking the world by storm. AI can now summarize text, compose images, write code, and more. Enterprise applications need AI that’s customized to focus on their domain, be knowledgeable about their business, and have the skills necessary to accomplish high-value tasks. These models need to scale across business functions and learn as the business grows and evolves. Generative AI models will codify your organization’s intelligence.

Data Analytics

Speed business process analytics and lower TCO.

Accelerated data science delivers improvements across the end-to-end data analytics workflow, whether you’re transforming data for enterprise consumption or visualizing terabyte-scale data to understand a particular problem domain. Data practitioners can use NVIDIA software to easily take advantage of GPU acceleration using their preferred toolset, bringing the power of high-performance computing to your organization with a minimal learning curve. By harnessing the power of high-performance data analytics, businesses can better serve their customers, develop products faster, and enable innovations across their enterprise.


Drive breakthrough AI inference performance.

NVIDIA offers performance, efficiency, and responsiveness critical to powering the next generation of AI inference—in the cloud, in the data center, at the network edge, and in embedded devices. It’s designed for data scientists, application developers, and software infrastructure engineers developing computer vision, speech, natural language processing (NLP), generative AI, recommender systems, and more. Deploy accelerated AI inference with the NVIDIA platform.

Speech AI

Build real-time conversational AI pipelines.

Companies interact with their customers in multiple languages for billions of minutes each day. With speech and translation AI integrated in their applications, companies derive powerful  insights from these conversations, build better products and services, and offer real-time personalized recommendations. To provide 24/7 services companies use multi-language intelligent virtual assistants and digital avatars with customized domain-specific vocabulary and engaging brand voices.


Create optimized AI pipelines to address threats.

Data center traffic continues to expand, driven by the explosion of data across the network. This explosion of data has led to increased cybersecurity risk. Collecting and analyzing all of this data in real-time is cost prohibitive and difficult—unless you can leverage accelerated AI. With AI, security analysts can scale their impact with full visibility into data center traffic so that threats can be detected in real-time.


  • 從或建立自訂企業級模型開始。
  • 安全地優化和擴展生成式 AI 工作負載。
  • 增強關鍵業務功能並增強客戶體驗。


  • 加速資料處理和人工智慧訓練。
  • 降低基礎設施成本和功耗。
  • 無需更改程式碼即可快速開始,並透過 24/7 支援保持專案運行。


  • 更快、更準確地部署 AI 模型。
  • 使用更少的伺服器和更少的功率進行部署。
  • 以大幅降低的成本獲得更快的洞察力。


  • 建立即時對話式 AI 管道。
  • 以一流的準確性支援多種語言。
  • 使用特定領域的詞彙和品牌聲音客製化模型。


  • 利用強大的雲端原生、API 驅動的建置區塊加快開發速度。
  • 創建具有高效能的高精度 AI 應用程式。
  • 實現多模式即時洞察。


  • 大規模部署零信任、即時威脅偵測。
  • 將安全性從資料中心擴展到邊緣。
  • 體驗更強大、更快、更智慧的人工智慧為基礎的網路安全。




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