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NVIDIA の AI (人工知能) コンピューティングにおけるリーダーシップ
Main Menu
GeForce グラフィックス カード
ノート PC
G-SYNC モニター
ノート PC とワークステーション
ゲーミング ノート PC
NVIDIA RTX デスクトップ ワークステーション
プロフェッショナル向けノート PC の NVIDIA RTX
NVIDIA RTX 搭載 AI ワークステーション
クラウドとデータ センター
Grace CPU
DGX プラットフォーム
EGX プラットフォーム
IGX プラットフォーム
HGX プラットフォーム
データ センター
Clara AGX
アプリケーション フレームワーク
推論 - Triton
自動車 - DRIVE
クラウド AI 動画配信 - Maxine
計算リソグラフィ - cuLitho
サイバーセキュリティ - Morpheus
データ分析 - RAPIDS
生成 AI - NeMo
ヘルスケア - Clara
ハイパフォーマンス コンピューティング
インテリジェント ビデオ解析 - Metropolis
物流とルート最適化 - cuOpt
メタバース アプリケーション - Omniverse
レコメンダー システム - Merlin
ロボティクス - Isaac
スピーチ AI - Riva
通信 - Aerial
NGC カタログ
3D ワークフロー - Omniverse
データ センター
GPU 監視
NVIDIA RTX Experience
NVIDIA RTX デスクトップ マネージャー
RTX 高速化クリエイティブ アプリ
AI Workbench
GeForce NOW クラウド ゲーミング
GeForce Experience
NVIDIA Broadcast アプリ
アニメーション - Machinima
MOD - RTX Remix
AI Enterprise スイート
クラウド ネイティブ サポート
IO アクセラレーション
仮想 GPU
クラウド サービス
Base Command
DGX Cloud
プライベート レジストリ
人工知能 (AI)
AI プラットフォーム
AI 推論
AI ワークフロー
対話型 AI
ディープラーニング トレーニング
ジェネレーティブ AI
スピーチ AI
データ センターとクラウド コンピューティング
エンタープライズ IT 向けアクセラレーテッド コンピューティング
クラウド コンピューティング
3D アバター
デジタル ツイン
エンジニアリング シミュレーション
ロボティクスとエッジ コンピューティング
エッジ コンピューティング
ビジョン AI
ハイ パフォーマンス コンピューティング
ヘルスケアとライフ サイエンス
小売および CPG
スマート シティ
For You
データ サイエンティスト
IT プロフェッショナル
すべての産業 >
データ センター/クラウド
ノート PC/デスクトップ
メタバース - Omniverse
エンジニアリング シミュレーション
すべての産業 >
AI 推論
AI ワークフロー
対話型 AI
ディープラーニング トレーニング
ジェネレーティブ AI
スピーチ AI
AI エンタープライズ スイート
AI 推論 - Triton
AI ワークフロー
アバター - Tokkio
サイバーセキュリティ - Morpheus
データ分析 - RAPIDS
Apache Spark
AI Workbench
大規模言語モデル - NeMo フレームワーク
ロジスティクスとルート最適化 - cuOpt
レコメンダー システム - Merlin
スピーチ AI - Riva
NGC 概要
NGC ソフトウェア カタログ
オープン ソース ソフトウェア
ノート PC とワークステーション
データ センター
プロフェッショナル サービス
テクニカル トレーニング
AI アクセラレータ プログラム
コンテンツ ライブラリ
NVIDIA Research
Kaggle Grandmaster
NGC カタログ
テクニカル トレーニング
オープン ソース ポータル
開発者向けサイト >
アプリケーション フレームワーク
AI 推論 - Triton
自動車 - DRIVE
クラウド AI 動画配信 - Maxine
計算リソグラフィ - cuLitho
サイバーセキュリティ - Morpheus
データ分析 - RAPIDS
生成 AI
ヘルスケア - Clara
ハイパフォーマンス コンピューティング
インテリジェント ビデオ解析 - Metropolis
ロジスティクスとルート最適化 - cuOpt
メタバース アプリケーション - Omniverse
レコメンダー システム - Merlin
ロボティクス - Isaac
スピーチ AI - Riva
通信 - Aerial
人気の SDK とライブラリ
並列プログラミング - CUDA ツールキット
開発者ツール - Nsight ツール
エッジ AI アプリケーション - Jetpack
BlueField データ プロセシング - DOCA
アクセラレーテッド ライブラリ - CUDA-X ライブラリ
ディープラーニング推論 - TensorRT
ディープラーニング トレーニング - cuDNN
ディープラーニング フレームワーク
生成 AI - NeMo
インテリジェント ビデオ解析 - DeepStream
NVIDIA Unreal Engine 4
レイ トレーシング - RTX
ビデオ デコード/エンコード
自動車 - DriveWorks SDK
GeForce グラフィックス カード
ゲーミング ノート PC
G-SYNC モニター
RTX ゲーム
GeForce Experience
GeForce ドライバー
GeForce NOW
データ センター (オンプレミス)
エッジ コンピューティング
クラウド コンピューティング
エンタープライズ IT ソリューション
AI Enterprise スイート
クラウド ネイティブ サポート
推論 - Triton
IO アクセラレーション
仮想 GPU
データ センター
GPU 監視
NVIDIA RTX Experience
NVIDIA RTX デスクトップ マネージャー
データ センターと IT 関連情報
テクニカル トレーニング
NVIDIA Research ホーム
AI Playground
ビデオ ハイライト
NGC カタログ
テクニカル トレーニング
オープン ソース ポータル
Cambridge-1 スーパーコンピューター
3D ディープ ラーニング研究
AI トレーニング - DGX
エッジ コンピューティング - EGX
組み込みコンピューティング - Jetson
ロボティクス - Isaac ROS
シミュレーション - Isaac Sim
TAO Toolkit
Vision AI - Deepstream SDK
合成データ生成 - Replicator
ヘルスケアとライフ サイエンス
その他 >
テクニカル トレーニング
Skip to main content
Main Menu
GeForce グラフィックス カード
ノート PC
G-SYNC モニター
ノート PC とワークステーション
ゲーミング ノート PC
NVIDIA RTX デスクトップ ワークステーション
プロフェッショナル向けノート PC の NVIDIA RTX
NVIDIA RTX 搭載 AI ワークステーション
クラウドとデータ センター
Grace CPU
DGX プラットフォーム
EGX プラットフォーム
IGX プラットフォーム
HGX プラットフォーム
データ センター
Clara AGX
アプリケーション フレームワーク
推論 - Triton
自動車 - DRIVE
クラウド AI 動画配信 - Maxine
計算リソグラフィ - cuLitho
サイバーセキュリティ - Morpheus
データ分析 - RAPIDS
生成 AI - NeMo
ヘルスケア - Clara
ハイパフォーマンス コンピューティング
インテリジェント ビデオ解析 - Metropolis
物流とルート最適化 - cuOpt
メタバース アプリケーション - Omniverse
レコメンダー システム - Merlin
ロボティクス - Isaac
スピーチ AI - Riva
通信 - Aerial
NGC カタログ
3D ワークフロー - Omniverse
データ センター
GPU 監視
NVIDIA RTX Experience
NVIDIA RTX デスクトップ マネージャー
RTX 高速化クリエイティブ アプリ
AI Workbench
GeForce NOW クラウド ゲーミング
GeForce Experience
NVIDIA Broadcast アプリ
アニメーション - Machinima
MOD - RTX Remix
AI Enterprise スイート
クラウド ネイティブ サポート
IO アクセラレーション
仮想 GPU
クラウド サービス
Base Command
DGX Cloud
プライベート レジストリ
人工知能 (AI)
AI プラットフォーム
AI 推論
AI ワークフロー
対話型 AI
ディープラーニング トレーニング
ジェネレーティブ AI
スピーチ AI
データ センターとクラウド コンピューティング
エンタープライズ IT 向けアクセラレーテッド コンピューティング
クラウド コンピューティング
3D アバター
デジタル ツイン
エンジニアリング シミュレーション
ロボティクスとエッジ コンピューティング
エッジ コンピューティング
ビジョン AI
ハイ パフォーマンス コンピューティング
ヘルスケアとライフ サイエンス
小売および CPG
スマート シティ
For You
すべての産業 >
データ センター/クラウド
ノート PC/デスクトップ
メタバース - Omniverse
エンジニアリング シミュレーション
データ サイエンティスト
すべての産業 >
AI 推論
AI ワークフロー
対話型 AI
ディープラーニング トレーニング
ジェネレーティブ AI
スピーチ AI
AI エンタープライズ スイート
AI 推論 - Triton
AI ワークフロー
アバター - Tokkio
サイバーセキュリティ - Morpheus
データ分析 - RAPIDS
Apache Spark
AI Workbench
大規模言語モデル - NeMo フレームワーク
ロジスティクスとルート最適化 - cuOpt
レコメンダー システム - Merlin
スピーチ AI - Riva
NGC 概要
NGC ソフトウェア カタログ
オープン ソース ソフトウェア
ノート PC とワークステーション
データ センター
プロフェッショナル サービス
テクニカル トレーニング
AI アクセラレータ プログラム
コンテンツ ライブラリ
NVIDIA Research
Kaggle Grandmaster
NGC カタログ
テクニカル トレーニング
オープン ソース ポータル
開発者向けサイト >
アプリケーション フレームワーク
AI 推論 - Triton
自動車 - DRIVE
クラウド AI 動画配信 - Maxine
計算リソグラフィ - cuLitho
サイバーセキュリティ - Morpheus
データ分析 - RAPIDS
生成 AI
ヘルスケア - Clara
ハイパフォーマンス コンピューティング
インテリジェント ビデオ解析 - Metropolis
ロジスティクスとルート最適化 - cuOpt
メタバース アプリケーション - Omniverse
レコメンダー システム - Merlin
ロボティクス - Isaac
スピーチ AI - Riva
通信 - Aerial
人気の SDK とライブラリ
並列プログラミング - CUDA ツールキット
開発者ツール - Nsight ツール
エッジ AI アプリケーション - Jetpack
BlueField データ プロセシング - DOCA
アクセラレーテッド ライブラリ - CUDA-X ライブラリ
ディープラーニング推論 - TensorRT
ディープラーニング トレーニング - cuDNN
ディープラーニング フレームワーク
生成 AI - NeMo
インテリジェント ビデオ解析 - DeepStream
NVIDIA Unreal Engine 4
レイ トレーシング - RTX
ビデオ デコード/エンコード
自動車 - DriveWorks SDK
GeForce グラフィックス カード
ゲーミング ノート PC
G-SYNC モニター
RTX ゲーム
GeForce Experience
GeForce ドライバー
GeForce NOW
IT プロフェッショナル
データ センター (オンプレミス)
エッジ コンピューティング
クラウド コンピューティング
エンタープライズ IT ソリューション
AI Enterprise スイート
クラウド ネイティブ サポート
推論 - Triton
IO アクセラレーション
仮想 GPU
データ センター
GPU 監視
NVIDIA RTX Experience
NVIDIA RTX デスクトップ マネージャー
データ センターと IT 関連情報
テクニカル トレーニング
NVIDIA Research ホーム
AI Playground
ビデオ ハイライト
NGC カタログ
テクニカル トレーニング
オープン ソース ポータル
Cambridge-1 スーパーコンピューター
3D ディープ ラーニング研究
AI トレーニング - DGX
エッジ コンピューティング - EGX
組み込みコンピューティング - Jetson
ロボティクス - Isaac ROS
シミュレーション - Isaac Sim
TAO Toolkit
Vision AI - Deepstream SDK
合成データ生成 - Replicator
ヘルスケアとライフ サイエンス
その他 >
テクニカル トレーニング
GeForce NOW
GeForce NOW 特典
GeForce NOW 特典
GeForce NOW 特典
Release Highlights
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リリース ハイライト
Windows PC
mac OS
GeForce NOW 2.0.61 の新機能
ストリーミング セッション、またはプレイしたいゲーム、私たちができる改善案について教えてください。アプリの感嘆符アイコンを使ってフィードバックを送信し、ご意見をお聞かせください。
GeForce NOW 2.0.59 の新機能
新しいブラウザ ストリーミング オプション
macOS の Safari ウェブブラウザ(
GeForce NOWアカウント作成を合理化するための新しいログイン画面を追加。
サポートされているデバイスにおいて、一部のゲームが HDR を無効にして起動する問題の修正。
ストリーミング セッション、またはプレイしたいゲーム、私たちができる改善案について教えてください。アプリの感嘆符アイコンを使ってフィードバックを送信し、ご意見をお聞かせください。
GeForce NOW 2.0.58 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Added the ability to view your current streaming video encoding format (e.g. H.264, H,265, AV1, HEVC) with the Streaming Statistics Overlay on Windows PC, Mac, and Browser. You can use the hotkey Ctrl+N or Cmd+N to quickly toggle the overlay.
Game Session Diagnostic Tool Update
Added the ability to open your last Session Diagnostic Report by clicking the icon in the top right corner of the GeForce NOW app.
This tool analyzes the performance of your most recent game session to help members improve their streaming experience.
Note: the tool is currently limited to select members using the GeForce NOW Windows and macOS native app. For more information, visit the
NVIDIA knowledgebase
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or suggested improvements we can make. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.57 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Streamlined the membership sign up process to get you into games faster.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or suggested improvements we can make. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.56 の新機能
New Sorting and Filtering Controls
Added the ability to sort games with active promotions like “Free”, “On Sale”, or “New Content”. Promotional tags are used to highlight the most compelling offers available from our library of 1600+ supported games including new game stores, DLCs, sales, free games and more. You can also enter these terms in the search box to quickly find games with promotions.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.55 の新機能
New Game Session Diagnostic Tool
We have started the rollout of a new diagnostic tool to help members improve their streaming experience on GeForce NOW.
The tool is built into the GeForce NOW app and will automatically analyze the performance of your gaming sessions and provide potential fixes if it detects issues with your local device, network, or game settings.
The tool is currently limited to select members using the GeForce NOW Windows and macOS native app with a full release scheduled in the coming months.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.54 の新機能
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.53 の新機能
Added Browser Streaming on Android
Members can now use
to stream from Chrome browser (version 77 and later) to quickly and easily launch a session on your Android devices.
Downloading the GeForce NOW app from the Google Play Store will provide the best experience on Android devices.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.52 の新機能
Fit and Finish
The app now includes promotional tags on featured games. These tags are curated to highlight the most compelling offers available from our library of 1600+ supported games. Look for these promotional tags to highlight things like new content, DLCs, sales, free games and more.
Improved the accuracy of the in-app search bar to deliver better results when looking for a specific game or publisher.
Added surround audio modes when streaming from Windows or macOS supported browsers. Performance memberships support 2-channel stereo and 5.1 surround. Ultimate memberships support 2-channel stereo, 5.1 surround, and 7.1 surround. Note: Chrome browser version 114 or later is required on macOS to support 7.1 surround.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.51 の新機能
Bug Fixes
Various fixes.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.50 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Updated the GeForce NOW network test to run in the background when launching games on Windows and macOS apps.
Performance improvements and bug fixes to enhance your experience.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.49 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Improvements to the GeForce NOW loading screen when launching games to show a game wallpaper.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a performance issue when bringing up or closing the GeForce NOW in-game overlay.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.48 の新機能
Ultimate Performance Powered by RTX 4080
Our new GeForce NOW Ultimate membership is here and GeForce RTX 4080-class performance is rolling out to members in the US and Europe through NVIDIA’s service. This membership upgrade brings support for the latest NVIDIA RTX technologies. Full ray tracing and DLSS 3 deliver beautiful, cinematic-quality graphics while using AI to keep frame rates smooth in supported games.
Experience never-before-seen cloud gaming features, including: competitive mode streaming at up to 240 frames per second, powered by NVIDIA Reflex, for the lowest latency ever from the cloud; upgraded streaming resolutions at up to 4K 120 fps on the native PC and Mac apps; and new support for native ultrawide resolutions at up to 3840x1600 120fps resolutions for a truly immersive experience.
Members can sign up today for the GeForce NOW Ultimate membership for $19.99 per month or $99.99 for six months. Existing GeForce RTX 3080 members’ accounts have already been converted to Ultimate memberships at their current pricing, and will provide GeForce RTX 4080 performance as soon as it’s available in their regions.
RTX 4080 servers have begun rolling out in North America and Europe with additional servers coming online regularly. Visit the GeForce NOW status page
to see if RTX 4080 servers are available in your region or
for general information.
Browser Streaming Improvements
Added the Streaming Statistics Overlay on
to access real-time streaming statistics using the hotkey Ctrl+N on PC/Chrome OS or Cmd+N on macOS. The same hotkey will also quickly toggle between Standard and Compact modes.
Added support for streaming from Microsoft Edge browser on macOS.
Bug Fixes
Various fixes related to managing connected accounts including “Account Connection Failed” errors when attempting to sync your Ubisoft or Steam library.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.47 の新機能
Ubisoft Connect Game Library Sync
We added game library sync for Ubisoft games purchased directly from Ubisoft or Epic Games Store. All supported GeForce NOW games will be added to “My Library” when you link your NVIDIA and Ubisoft accounts.
To get started, go to GeForce NOW settings > Connections. Once linked, you will find your Ubisoft Connect games in “My Library”. You will be logged into your Ubisoft account automatically when you play these titles on any GeForce NOW platform. Note: you may need to reconnect your Ubisoft account to enable game library sync if you have linked previously.
For more information, visit the
NVIDIA knowledgebase
Fit and Finish
Chromebook members can quickly enable in-game voice chat by allowing mic support on play.geforcenow.com using Chrome permissions settings. Previously, Chromebook members also needed to turn mic settings on using the GeForce NOW in-game overlay or Ctrl+N hotkey.
Your login credentials will persist when transitioning between the GeForce NOW app and the GeForce NOW account management portal on NVIDIA.com
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.46 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Complete transition to the new NVIDIA font.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.45 の新機能
Optimized for Next Generation Cloud Gaming Chromebooks
GeForce NOW comes pre-installed on the first Chromebooks built for cloud gaming
- Acer Chromebook 516 GE, ASUS Chromebook Vibe CX55 Flip, and Lenovo Ideapad Gaming Chromebook. These models come loaded with gaming-centric features including high refresh rate, high resolution displays, gaming keyboards, fast WiFi 6 connectivity and immersive audio.
GeForce NOW RTX 3080 members can enable game streaming at up to 1600p at 120 frames per second on these new devices. Members will need to manually select these new resolutions and refresh rates from the Settings menu > Streaming Quality > Custom. We recommend a wired ethernet connection for the best performance.
Finding games to play instantly on GeForce NOW is easier than ever thanks to the new Chrome OS search feature. Just tap the Everything button, search, and click to play.
New Streaming Resolution For RTX 3080 Members on PC and Mac
Added an additional game-streaming resolution, 3456x2160 (16:10) at up to 60 frames per second, for GeForce NOW RTX 3080 members on the Windows and macOS native apps.
Fit and Finish
Reduced the download and installation size of the GeForce NOW macOS app.
Added support for haptic feedback on capable gamepads for PC, Mac, and Chrome OS when streaming from Chrome and Edge browsers on
. NOTE: haptic feedback on GeForce NOW is currently available on PC, Mac, and Chrome OS devices.
NVIDIA Highlights is no longer enabled by default. Members can enable NVIDIA Highlights while streaming using the in-game overlay (Ctrl+G on Windows and Cmd+G on macOS). Click the gear icon to configure your Highlights settings and more. Your preferences are saved on a per-game basis.
The legacy Ctrl+Alt+F6 streaming stats panel has been retired. Members can use the Streaming Statistics Overlay to access real-time streaming statistics using Ctrl+N on PC/Chrome OS, or Cmd+N on macOS. The same hotkey will also quickly toggle between Standard and Compact modes.
GeForce NOW uses the new NVIDIA font type.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused some members to see an empty “My Library”.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.44 の新機能
Improved Audio Support for PC and Mac
Added new audio modes for the PC and Mac app including: Performance memberships support 2-channel stereo and 5.1 Surround. GeForce NOW RTX 3080 memberships support 2-channel stereo, 5.1 surround, and 7.1 surround.
Fit and Finish
Improved the responsiveness of the search bar to deliver better results when looking for a specific game, genre, or feature.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where members were seeing “NVIDIA installer failed” error when trying to manually install a new version of GeForce NOW.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.43 の新機能
New Browser Streaming Resolutions For RTX 3080 Members on PC
For PC streaming from Chrome and Edge browsers on
, GeForce NOW RTX 3080 members can enable game-streaming at 2560x1440 and up to 120 frames per second. You will need to manually select these new resolutions and refresh rates from the Settings menu > Streaming Quality > Custom.
Note: These new streaming resolutions and framerates are currently limited to PC devices. They are not available when streaming from a browser on Mac, ChromeOS, iOS Safari, or Smart TVs.
Need to Find New Games to Play?
We added “GET” buttons that link you directly to the digital store website for games you do not own. These links can help you access the GeForce NOW library of 100+ Free-to-Play or 1,000+ games available for purchase.
Improved Resolution Upscaling
If you have network bandwidth limitations or a higher resolution display, resolution upscaling can improve your experience. This feature allows you to stream your games at a lower resolution, and then upscale them to match your monitor’s or notebook’s native resolution.
mode now supports NVIDIA Image Scaling (NIS) for improved spatial upscaling performance and adds image sharpening.
Please note that resolution upscaling options will only be visible if your device meets the minimum requirements. For more information and system requirements, visit the
NVIDIA knowledgebase
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused some members to experience consistent blinking/flashing while using the macOS app.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.42 の新機能
Quality of Service Improvements
We have added additional optimizations to gradually increase, or decrease, the streaming resolution when playing in less-than-ideal network conditions. This improves overall streaming performance and recovery time on GeForce NOW.
Fit and Finish
Hello? Anyone home? We have added notification sounds to compliment push notifications on
The login process will now automatically select the GeForce NOW provider based on your current location. You can select a different provider by going to GeForce NOW
Switch Provider
when logged out.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused some members to experience video corruption when using Resolution Upscaling > Enhanced mode.
Fixed an issue that caused some members to experience consistent blinking/flashing while using the macOS app.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.41 の新機能
In-Stream Copy-and-Paste Support
Do you need to enter a long or complex password for your digital store? Now you can simply copy text from your local device and then use Ctrl+V, or mouse right-click, to paste text while in-stream. This feature is now available on PC, Mac, Web Browsers, and iOS Safari. Please note: Mac users should still use Ctrl+V (not ⌘ Cmd+V) when pasting into GeForce NOW.
Visit the
NVIDIA Knowledgebase
for more information.
Fit and Finish
Updated the default keyboard layout on
for improved local language support in Japan, Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia.
Bug Fixes
The PC app correctly supports Windows left-handed mouse settings.
Fixed an issue where some members were unable to see the Epic Games option when managing connected accounts in Settings.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.40 の新機能
NEW 4K Streaming Support for RTX 3080 Members on PC and Mac
From the PC and Mac apps, GeForce NOW RTX 3080 members can enable game-streaming at 4K resolution, 3840 x 2160 (16:9) at 60 frames per second. Visit our
system requirements
page for more information.
4K streaming is also made possible by NVIDIA DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling), which is groundbreaking AI rendering technology that increases graphics performance using dedicated Tensor Core AI processors on
GeForce RTX GPUs
. DLSS taps into the power of a deep-learning neural network to boost frame rates and generate beautiful, sharp images for your games.
Improved Game Discoverability
Added a
row to the bottom of the
menu that includes useful sorting options, including the ability to see
All Games
available in your region and for your device. In addition, you can select multiple filters simultaneously to quickly narrow down the list to find the ideal game.
You can navigate the full game catalog when visiting
on browsers that do not support streaming, like Firefox and Opera.
Fit and Finish
View the improved Streaming Statistics Overlay and quickly toggle between Standard/Compact/Off using the same hotkey (Ctrl+N).
The log-in process on
is now completed within the same browser tab.
macOS App Now Supports Apple M1 Processor Natively
Added an ARM binary to the native Mac app that provides lower power consumption and faster app startup times on M1-based MacBooks, Mac mini, and iMacs.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where some members were continually seeing a “GeForce NOW requires an update” prompt.
Fixed Microsoft Xbox Wireless controller vibration support on the macOS app.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.39 の新機能
New Download Option for Chromebook
Chromebook owners can download the GeForce NOW app directly from the
Google Play Store
. Once installed, you can simply open GeForce NOW from the launcher or app shelf without the added step of visiting
on a supported browser.
Virtual Keyboard Support for Edge Browser
Users accessing GeForce NOW using the Edge browser on a device without a keyboard attached will now get a virtual on-screen keyboard to enter things like usernames and passwords.
Bug Fixes
Fixed various issues navigating within the GeForce NOW app when using a gamepad.
Reduced the number of background processes running for the GeForce NOW app.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.38 の新機能
Improved Login Options
Discord is now supported as a convenient new account creation and login option for your NVIDIA account for users on the NVIDIA service. Using Discord as your login option provides equal functionality to GeForce NOW with the convenience of having one less password to remember.
Note: The GeForce NOW PC and Mac apps also support Discord rich presence, which lets you easily display the game you’re currently playing in your Discord user status. You can always change this via the GeForce NOW settings menu.
Quality of Service Improvements
Various optimizations have been made to reduce stutter, corruption, and recovery time when streaming in less-than-ideal network conditions.
Video quality when streaming in Balanced Mode on
has been improved by assigning higher bit rates when on a good network.
Fit and Finish
Added a progress bar when installing the GeForce NOW app.
Bug Fixes
Resolved issues related to installing the latest version of GeForce NOW app.
Fixed issues related to viewing game patching notifications when using GeForce NOW on multiple devices simultaneously.
Removed intermittent flickering for some Windows 11-based PCs when using custom streaming settings.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.37 の新機能
New Resolution Upscaling Options
If you have network bandwidth limitations or a higher resolution display, resolution upscaling can improve your experience. This feature allows you to stream your games at a lower resolution, and then upscale them to match your monitor’s or notebook’s native resolution.
Resolution upscaling can be enabled via GeForce NOW settings in our native PC and Mac apps. It can be applied to any game, and it works by applying various upscaling algorithms with a sharpening effect to reduce visible blurriness while streaming.
mode is enabled by default and has a minimal effect on your system performance.
mode provides a better experience but may cause some additional latency depending on your system specifications. PC users with select NVIDIA GPUs can enable
AI Enhanced
mode, which leverages a trained neural network model along with image sharpening for a more natural look.
As you are playing a game, you might notice the sharpening effect is too high or too low. If you are using
streaming quality settings, you can bring up the GeForce NOW in-game overlay and adjust the setting in real-time.
For more information, visit the
NVIDIA knowledgebase
Dynamically Adjust Your Streaming Settings
When using
streaming quality settings, you can now adjust streaming quality settings when using our native PC and Mac apps to change things like bit rate, VSync, and upscaling mode in real-time via the GeForce NOW in-game overlay. You can bring up the GeForce NOW in-game overlay by pressing
Ctrl+G > Settings > Gameplay
to access these settings while streaming.
Quality of Service Improvements
The overall streaming experience on
has been improved by automatically assigning the ideal streaming resolution for devices that are unable to decode at high streaming bitrates.
Bug Fixes
Per game desktop shortcuts are fixed to launch directly into the game.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.36 の新機能
Ubisoft Account Linking
We have added a new Ubisoft account linking feature for games you own on Ubisoft Connect, which enables faster game launches by automatically logging you into your account.
Link your NVIDIA and Ubisoft accounts by going to the GeForce NOW in-app settings under CONNECTIONS.
Once you have completed this step, you will be automatically logged into your Ubisoft account when you play these games on any device supported by GeForce NOW.
Please note, this feature does not work for Ubisoft games purchased from Steam. For more information, visit the
NVIDIA knowledgebase
Fit and Finish
For improved security, we have changed the in-app logout process to be completed on a browser when you are using GeForce NOW on a shared device.
Push notifications for
have been enhanced and now include a countdown timer to let you know when a session is about to end due to inactivity.
The amount of time needed to update the GeForce NOW app has been significantly reduced.
Bug Fixes
GeForce NOW was streaming at an incorrect aspect ratio for the Apple MacBook Pro M1 Max.
The countdown timer is now accurate when viewed on the in-game overlay.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.35 の新機能
Quality of Service Improvements
Improvements to our native apps will help reduce resolution downgrades for networks with high packet loss and variable network latency. As a result, you should see a more consistent streaming experience.
We have also improved the overall streaming experience for browser users on
by automatically assigning the ideal streaming resolution for devices that are unable to decode at high streaming bitrates.
Fit and Finish
We added push notification support for
that you can enable to receive timely information about scheduled maintenance or product updates.
Removed unnecessary PC and Mac app restarts when toggling VSync options for custom streaming quality settings.
Bug Fixes
PC users will no longer receive an incorrect notification that “Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for streaming.”
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.34 の新機能
New RTX 3080 Membership Tier
This update prepares for the new GeForce NOW RTX 3080 membership, our highest-performance cloud gaming experience. Next-generation GFN servers will deliver a significant performance boost, enabling game-streaming up to 1440p resolution at 120 frames per second for PCs and Macs, or 4K resolution with HDR on SHIELD TV. It also enables up to 120 frames per second streaming on Android mobile devices. Plus, for the first time, NVIDIA Adaptive Sync technology lowers latency below 60ms on today’s top multiplayer games when paired with a high-refresh monitor and a good network. This delivers the smoothest and most responsive cloud-gaming experience – rivaling the local gaming experience of the latest game consoles.
Founders and Performance members will have exclusive, early access to preorder the RTX 3080 membership starting October 21.
For more information, please check out our latest blog post
RTX 3080 memberships will only be available for users in North America and Western Europe in 2021. Details on RTX 3080 membership availability from GFN Alliance partners will be announced at a later date.
Enhanced Search Results
Are you looking to experience more RTX ON games on GeForce NOW? We have added RTX to our game filter options. Or simply type “RTX” in the search box to see all supported games with ray tracing enabled.
Improved Web Browser Support
Users can now access a beta version of
on the Microsoft Edge Web browser. Make sure you are running Edge browser 91.xx or later.
Chromebook, PC and Mac browser users can create their own hotkey shortcut to quit a game.
Fit and Finish
We have added notifications and countdown timers if scheduled maintenance will affect you while in a gameplay session.
The resolution options in Settings will properly reflect the aspect ratio of your display.
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue where some users were unable to see their connected Epic account under Settings.
Resolved an issue on
where the “quit game” button wasn’t working when prompted “You're not connected to the internet”.
Resolved an issue for some users that continue to see My Library after account log out.
Fixed a problem on macOS where Record, Instant Replay, and Screenshots were not properly saving to your Gallery.
Fixed a problem that caused an infinite spinner when trying to change your Gallery location.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you.
GeForce NOW 2.0.33 の新機能
Quality of Service Improvements
Our native Windows and macOS app users will see a better streaming experience. Our new release will help to reduce stutter while maintaining low latency for networks with high packet loss.
We also made a couple changes to improve things for members that access GeForce NOW on Chrome browsers:
First, we made some tweaks that will result in less frequent resolution drops, providing a smoother, more visually pleasing streaming experience.
Next, we applied some engineering magic to help members streaming on lossy
Wi-Fi network channels
. This latest release will allow you to keep on streaming games without significant pauses.
Fit and Finish Updates
We added an exclusive badge to the app for all of our GeForce NOW Founders members - our small way of showing our appreciation. It’s ok to brag a little!
The microphone will now automatically be disabled when our app is in the background. Once you have selected it again, the mic will automatically be enabled. You may be asked again for mic access permissions.
Our app’s desktop icon on macOS has been updated to match the latest macOS design guidelines.
App startup time has been reduced. Again. Didn’t we do this last month?
Some minor improvements were made to the client IME icons and keyboard lists.
Bug fixes
Fixed a problem that prevented you from resuming your game session if a critical app update was performed when you were streaming a game.
The end of game session tips no longer hide the in-game overlay statistics.
Chrome browser users will no longer receive a message to UPDATE the app when no update is available.
Using the in-game overlay and then pressing Tab will no longer cause you to lose focus to the game.
Fixed some Russian translation problems in the app.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you.
GeForce NOW 2.0.32 の新機能
Fit and Finish Updates
Improved app load time by around five seconds, which is about how long it takes the universe to expand 46 miles.
We have decided to enable the mic by default now for members using GeForce NOW on PC and macOS (native or browser apps), which will make it easier to use push- to-talk in game. You can always choose to disable the mic from the in-game overlay: press Ctrl+G for Windows and ChromeOS, or Cmd+G for macOS.
For Client Input Method Editor (IME) users, we added the Client IME selection tothe in-game overlay. So if you are having any problems with your buttons not working as you expect, make sure you select your preferred keyboard in that menu.
We also updated Client IME to allow you to more easily select keyboards that are not listed. This will make it more simple toset up a better default button-mapping scheme. You can find this in the Settings section of the app.
Bugs Fixed
Clicking on “Stay in game” will now properly resume the game after resuming from sleep mode.
You will no longer see an infinite spinner after starting a game, putting your system to sleep, and then trying to resume your game.
Fixed a problem that broke in-stream statistics if you enabled them too quickly when launching a game.
In-game overlay keyboard shortcuts will no longer prevent you from trying different shortcuts at the same time.
The search bar will now be in the correct location after resizing your window on Chrome.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you.
GeForce NOW 2.0.31 の新機能
In-Steam Statistics
For all the Sal the Statisticians out there, our latest release adds statistics, which are available in-game for our native app using Ctrl+G on Windows or Cmd+G on macOS.
You will see a new option near the bottom of the option window called Statistics, with a button you can use to toggle them on or off. You can also use Ctrl+N on Windows or Cmd+N on macOS to do this.
Once this option is activated, you will see the compact statistics that provide a snapshot of your current stream performance.
You can customize what this window displays. To do so, open the in-game overlay when streaming and go to Settings > Heads up display > Statistics. There you can change the window’s position, or turn on Standard mode to see even more data about your network and current stream.
QoS Improvements
For the Windows and masOS apps, we lowered latency by up to 16ms for games that support Adaptive Vsync. This includes popular games such as Rocket League, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, League of Legends, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, Dota 2, The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt, The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year.
Fit and Finish Updates
Did you miss the F11 key when playing from a Chrome Browser? Well, we are happy to report it’s available again for games that require it. Note: F11 will not work in game if you have used F11 to enter fullscreen mode.
Make sure you have started the game by clicking “Continue to Game” after launching the game from our web app.
If you are on macOS, F11 currently shows the desktop, so you will need to
remap that macOS hotkey
to use it in-game.
Don’t blink or you will miss our splash screen, which now displays a GeForce NOW logo and a cool background as the app loads.
We improved our game launch progress indicator, which was not as smooth as it should have been recently. Nothing that a little grease can’t fix!
Our marque and app layout load more smoothly, too.
We added additional keyboard layouts for our Chrome browser app so that it matches the native Windows and macOS apps:
Windows: "bg-BG", "he-IL", "hr-HR", "nl-NL", "sk-SK", "sr-Latn-CS", "ru-RU", "zh-CN", "ja-106", "ko-KR", "zh-TW", "ja-JP"
macOS: "m-fi", "m-ru", "m-ja-106", "ko-KR"
Native Keyboard IME for Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese
As GeForce NOW expands to more countries, we need to make it easier for our international members to enter localized text in login or chat windows in-game.
Therefore, we have added the ability to select your own Input Method Editor (
) to the native Windows, macOS, and Chrome browser apps, , which may already be installed and configured on your device. An example would be Windows’ Korean IME, which is enabled through Windows settings.
If you are using macOS, check out these Apple support articles for enabling
Korean Hangul IME
Japanese IME
Like many of our features, the IME editors can be accessed from the in-game overlay - Ctrl+G on Windows or Cmd+G on macOS - which will open a dialog box you can use to input text.
Please let us know if you find this new capability useful via GeForce NOW’s in-app feedback options.
Bugs Fixed
Clicking the “Connect” button on the “Reconnect Account” dialog box will now open the Epic Account Login browser window
The “Connect your store account” tile is now in the correct settings location for members that use Arabic.
You will no longer be directed to the NVIDIA landing page with the green checkbox, indicating success, after receiving denied permissions during linking of your Epic Account
If you change your Server Location it will now switch for a game launch without requiring a website refresh.
Highlights now works properly with Fortnite with Epic Account linked
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you.
GeForce NOW 2.0.30 の新機能
More Games, Smoother Than Butter!
In v2.0.28 of our native Windows and macOS apps we added a new feature called adaptive VSync, which reduces stutter on poor networks. This is achieved without negatively affecting latency and, in fact, reduces latency on good networks.
Since then we have added more games for you to try: League of Legends, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, Path of Exile, Dota 2, The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt, The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year
We will continue to add more games each month, so stay tuned!
More Quality of Service Improvements
We continue to make improvements for users on congested networks that experience bursty packet loss.
Our latest release will help further reduce stutter, and users on these networks will see less frozen or corrupted frames.
Apple M1 Support For Google Chrome
Apple’s recent
Spring Forward event
introduced even more Apple M1-based products, like the brand-new iMac 24-inch.
If you’ve got one of these on pre-order, or already have another Apple M1-based product, good news: our latest browser app now supports these products. Just point your Google Chrome browser to
and start gaming.
Fit and Finish
We now support Arabic: !GeForce NOW مرحبًا بك في
We made some performance optimizations that will result in the marque, and other parts of the app, loading more quickly.
Bugs Fixed
Highlights now work properly in Apex Legends.
When you turn on filters during search, the main app game list will no longer be filtered as well.
The Highlights summary now shows the correct amount of captured Highlights.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you.
GeForce NOW 2.0.29 の新機能
Join Fortnite Matches Faster with Single Sign-On
We have added a new single-sign on feature for Fortnite. Now you can play the game without having to log in to your Epic Games Account every time you launch a new Fortnite session on GeForce NOW.
PC, macOS, and Chromebook users can check the My Library row for a notification to
Connect your store accounts
to GeForce NOW.
Clicking this notification will take you to GeForce NOW settings, where you can turn on single sign-on for Fortnite under
Once you have completed this step, you will no longer need to log in to your Epic Account to play Fortnite on any other GeForce NOW platform.
Fortnite Pre-loading
We are also testing a new feature called pre-loading, which starts loading parts of Fortnite before you arrive so that your game launch times will be faster.
Members must enable Fortnite single sign-on to get the startup time benefit.
We expect a reduction of at least a minute, starting from clicking play in GeForce NOW to when you see the Fortnite in-game lobby.
Over the next few weeks, we are upgrading our servers with a goal of supporting Fortnite pre-loading for all launches; however, as we are still tuning this feature, there will be limited availability until the full rollout.
Performance and Founders Members will get first access to the pre-loaded machines.
Improved Search Results
Are you looking for a way to find all sci-fi games, or games with kittens, on GeForce NOW? With our latest app, we now offer members a full-page search option to find the games you want to play.
Our new search capability will give you a page full of games, instead of just a list.
You can click on any game to access the game details page, which lets you launch the game, learn more about it, or add the game to your library.
The search results have also been renamed from Recent Searches to Recent Games.
Browser App In-Game Overlay
If you use Chrome browser to play games from
, we have made our in-game overlay accessible.
You can bring it up on Windows or Chromebook using Ctrl + G, and on macOS Cmd + G.
Other User Interface Updates
We now show your username when you are starting to connect to a game.
Bug Fixes
You will now see a montage failure message when you try to create a video and the video files were deleted.
League of Legends game sessions will no longer end with a timeout error when you edit FreeStyle filters.
The Highlights section will no longer show the wrong data when you click on the Highlight button.
Fixed a problem with Apple M1-based products incorrectly reporting their maximum resolution was very small, which prevented members using these devices from running games in high resolutions.
Auto-update will no longer cause the “Relaunch Now” button to malfunction.
The “Agree & Continue” button is now clickable on Chromebooks.
New members will now have the “See More” option after they add more than 15 games to their library.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you.
GeForce NOW 2.0.28 の新機能
Steaming Quality of Service Enhancements
Our latest release adds some quality of service improvements for the PC and macOS apps for users with 60Hz and 59.94Hz monitors, or notebooks.
A new default Vsync streaming setting, called Adaptive VSync, helps reduce stutter on poor networks - without affecting latency. It also helps reduce latency on good networks. Adaptive VSync works with a select set of games, including: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Apex Legends™, Rocket League® and Destiny 2. We will look to add more games that can benefit from this feature.
In addition, macOS users will see latency reduced by up to 16ms in all games.
Improved Browser Support
ChromeOS users will now have an option on the top banner to INSTALL a shortcut on their desktops, making it easier to launch GeForce NOW.
Bug Fixes
Adding or removing a game in My Library, and then closing and relaunching a game, will no longer result in a delay to see a refreshed list of added or removed games.
Fixed a problem that prevented GeForce NOW from auto updating on macOS Big Sur after pressing RELAUNCH NOW
FreeStyle filters are no longer grayed out when the internet is disconnected and reconnected.
Windows users will now see the notification to DOWNLOAD the native GeForce NOW app when using Google Chrome.
For Games that support multiple digital stores, the platform you select to play each game on will now be saved after quitting the game.
Filtering by digital store will now work properly when browsing inside the GeForce NOW app.
Users will no longer see two digital stores for games that only support one when using GeForce NOW on Google Chrome.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback…or do it during streaming with our new in-game feedback option.
GeForce NOW 2.0.27 の新機能
More Web Browsers and Platforms Supported
Last year we launched
a GeForce NOW beta for the Safari browser on iOS/iPadOS devices, which made it easy for millions to enjoy PC gaming.
In 2.0.27 we are adding beta support for the Google Chrome browser, which will enable millions more prospective new PC gamers to easily play the latest games on Windows and macOS. (ChromeOS is already supported.) Other platforms may work, but are unsupported.
Just point your Chrome browser to
to get started!
We have also added an easy way for you to create bookmarks and shortcuts to help you launch your favorite games faster. Simply click on a game to open the game details options, and select +SHORTCUT to open a dialog to create a game shortcut on your desktop.
Invite a Friend to GeForce NOW
With our expanded browser support, it’s even easier to try GeForce NOW.
On Chrome Browsers, we added a way for you to share a URL for any game on GeForce NOW with your friends.
Click on any game to open the game details options.
Then, copy the URL shown in your web browser and share it via social media or text message, or email it to your friends to invite them to play.
On iOS and iPadOS you can also share a game with the built-in Share option to any app that is integrated into iOS/iPadOS Share, including iMessage, Whatsapp, and more.
Launch GeForce NOW
Click on any game to open the game details options.
Click on SHARE to open an iOS/iPadOS Share dialog.
Choose any installed app - like iMessage - to share.
Support for Macs with Apple M1 chips
Did you get a new Mac with the Apple M1 chip over the holidays?
Good news: Our latest v2.0.27 macOS app officially supports these Apple products.
Game on with the Latest Console Controllers
This release adds support for the latest PS5
for the macOS and Windows native apps and Chrome browsers. You can connect it using USB-C or Bluetooth.
In addition, we have added support for Xbox Series X
controllers on our native macOS and Windows apps. You can connect it using USB-C or Bluetooth. Windows 10 users will need to use version 1909 or newer and macOS users will need to use macOS 11.1 or newer.
Bug Fixes
If you changed your keyboard to non-English, you can now input alphabetical keys during streaming.
The correct filters will now be applied when you switch from Ansel to FreeStyle.
You will no longer see an infinite spinner in the feedback dialog box if you lose your network connection.
The setting page will no longer freeze after pressing the Snap button when using Ansel.
Fixed a problem where some games that were available on multiple game stores saw the same store repeated when using search or on the game details.
GeForce NOW will auto update properly after clicking Relaunch Now on macOS Big Sur.
Your prefered game store will now be properly selected when you launch a game for the second time.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback…or do it during streaming with our new in-game feedback option.
GeForce NOW 2.0.26 の新機能
NVIDIA Welcomes the Balkan Region to GeForce NOW!
We’ve added a new data center in Sofia, Bulgaria, which provides lower latency and better quality to members throughout the region.
Fit and Finish Updates
Added support for 4:3 aspect ratio resolutions. Time to dust off your old LCD screen and start retro gaming!
All users can now see their membership level on the main app home screen.
We now recognize and enable Auto Highlights for supported games when you launch them from our app or if you launch them in Steam first.
Members that use Chromebooks will now get an option to “Add GeForce NOW on their Home Screen,” which lets you launch the app directly from your desktop. This option is located on the far right of the Chrome Browser bar.
Bug Fixes
You may now use the in-game overlay when running GeForce NOW in 4:3 aspect ratios.
You can now select the cancel button during account log in.
The string “Find your games” will now be used across all versions of the GeForce NOW apps that have been localized for Japanese.
The “Spotty Connection” dialog message will now be hidden when you press “Close.”
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback…or do it during streaming with our new in-game feedback option.
GeForce NOW 2.0.25 の新機能
Browse your Own Gallery and Create Montages
Now that we have released Highlights and Ansel, many of our members have created some amazing content from their games, including achievement videos and beautiful, professional-grade images.
Our latest PC and macOS apps now have a Gallery, which can be accessed from the app menu (keep reading below). Gallery is a convenient, natural, and powerful way to browse and manage all of your captured content without needing to launch a game.
By selecting more than one video in the Gallery you can access Montage, which enables you to effortlessly create compelling video summaries of your gameplay, while adding your own flair. It’s ok, you don’t need to add 37 pieces of flair - add as little, or as much, as you want.
And remember, always fade out in a montage.
New App Menu
Who likes hamburgers? My friend Bob makes a great burger.
We’ve introduced our own “hamburger,” which is an in-app menu that lets you access the games list, settings, and Gallery.
This menu, or “hamburger helper”, will help you find things faster and allow us to easily add more features to GeForce NOW in the future.
Easily Find Games on Digital Stores
Games are now available across multiple games stores, so we are working hard to make it easier for you to quickly find the games you own on each store.
Over the next few weeks, PC, macOS, and Chromebook users will see a new feature where we now combine all game stores for a game into a single game tile.
For instance, Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is available to play on Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games, and Steam. Instead of seeing three game tiles for each store, you will now see a single game tile, and you just switch between the stores by selecting the digital store you use on that game tile.
Once you have selected your digital store, the PLAY button turn green and let you play the game.
Fit and Finish Updates
Reduced startup time by about 3 seconds. Now if you have paid attention, we have been trying really hard since we launched our paid service in February to always keep shaving seconds off game startup time. Since that first app release, we have reduced average startup time by about 14 seconds.
Added an error message that will appear if you try to launch a game you do not own on Epic Games Store.
Added a simple app update method for the Chromebook app. If you are using our web app to play GeForce NOW and a new app is available, you can hit the new Refresh Now button to get the latest version.
We updated the in-game overlay to only show the Ansel and FreeStyle options when we detect a supported game.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem that caused you to see an infinite spinner in the feedback dialog box if you lose your network connection.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback…or do it during streaming with our new in-game feedback option.
GeForce NOW 2.0.24 の新機能
Game Launch Time Improvements
We reduced launch time for games by about five seconds. We apologize to all of you who were using that time learning to solve your Rubix cube in less than five
Fit and Finish Improvements
Did you get an NVIDIA promo code for our Hyper Scape 6 month bundle or with your purchase of a GeForce RTX 30-series? You can now quickly activate the code from the GeForce NOW app. Go to the settings page and click on Activate to redeem that promo code of yours and start gaming instantly!
The PC and macOS apps should now launch quicker.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem that prevented the in-game pop-up notification from appearing after launching a game the second time.
Prevented the Game Sync tile from appearing in the My Library section with no internet connection.
Fixed a problem that caused an infinite spinner to appear in-app when the internet connection is dropped.
Fixed a problem on macOS that prevented you from switching back to the game window using CMD+TAB.
Fixed a problem that caused multiple pop-up windows to appear when you pressed the SEE MORE button in a section of the app without logging in first.
Fixed a problem with Ansel that prevented you from being able to set camera and FOV values in Photo Mode.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback…or do it during streaming with our new in-game feedback option.
GeForce NOW 2.0.23 の新機能
Chromebooks get Steam Game Sync
Steam Game Sync has been one of our most popular new features for our PC and macOS apps. With today’s update, Chromebook owners can now take advantage of Steam Game Sync, too.
Game Sync allows you to sync games you own from your Steam library with My Library on GeForce NOW
If you haven’t tried it, you should: Game Sync makes it even easier to find the games in your Steam library that are available on GeForce NOW.
For more information on using this feature, please check out our
knowledge base article
Take Your Best Shot with NVIDIA Ansel
Think you have a photographer’s eye? Launch your favorite GeForce NOW game and start creating eye-popping game images with NVIDIA Ansel.
is a powerful photo mode tool that lets you take professional-grade photographs in supported games, such as League of Legends, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, and The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Now, you can capture and share your most brilliant gaming experiences with photographs.
Ansel support is now available for our PC and macOS apps. Use the in-game overlay (CTRL+G on Windows or Cmd+G on macOS) to access Ansel and use the free camera, post processing filters, and other tools, to amaze your friends.
Share your best work with us on Twitter using #GFNShare for a chance to have your photos shared with the GeForce NOW audience!
For more information, please read our knowledge base article.
Fit and Finish
We’ve sped up the launch time of all versions of the GeForce NOW app start time. Users with low-performance systems should see the most improvement.
For games that support Highlights, we added a new option at game launch to give you complete control over which moments you want Highlights to automatically save for you. If you want to change this setting, you can always launch the in-game overlay to adjust what is captured, at any time, by pressing CTRL-G on Windows or Cmd-G on macOS.
We’ve also tweaked Highlights support on PC and macOS to prevent false detections when running games such as League of Legends, Rocket League, Paladins, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on poor networks or at lower bitrates.
Your feedback is valuable to us, so we wanted to make sure you can provide it while gaming. Now you can send us your thoughts while streaming a game by launching the in-game overlay. Launch the in-game overlay by pressing CTR+G on our Windows app, or Cmd+G on our macOS app. Now, if we could only hire more interns to read all the feedback…
We did everything in this update while also making the GeForce NOW app smaller, which means you can download it even faster.
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue that caused some games to reappear in My Library after they were removed.
Fixed a problem on macOS that caused game streams to hang if you tried to change your OS keyboard layout.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback…or do it during streaming with our new in-game feedback option.
GeForce NOW 2.0.22 の新機能
Steam Ownership Sync
One of the most requested features we get is “I’d like an easier way to see which games I own on Steam are supported on GeForce NOW.”
Your wish is our command! Our new app on PC and Mac adds a feature that allows you to sync games you own from your Steam library into My Library on GeForce NOW
Ready to get started? Go to the GeForce NOW app > Settings > Game Sync and click the chain icon to setup sync. To use this feature, you will need to set your Steam account to public so that your owned games will sync with GeForce NOW. Follow the rest of the steps, and your games will magically appear in your My Library.
This feature isn’t an automatic sync, so each time you purchase a new game you will need to press the Sync button in the NVIDIA app to add it to My Library.
For more information on using this feature, please check out our
knowledge base article
New NVIDIA Account Login Experience
GeForce NOW is growing with more service providers around the world providing service. Therefore, we need to upgrade our Login service to support multiple provider logins.
During the transition, all users will be logged out one time. Don’t panic: This is expected, and all you need to do is log in again.
When you start the new login process, you will go to a website to log in. Once you are done, just come back to the app and you will be logged in.
Most NVIDIA GeForce NOW members that go to the website to log in just need to click the NVIDIA button (sole provider in your region). If you are using GeForce NOW through one of our Alliance Partners, select your provider on the website.
Fit and Finish
Every second counts. We shaved off about two seconds from the time it takes from pressing play in our app to when streaming starts.
Our designers made some more small changes to the game details, which reduce the amount of scrolling needed to read about each game.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem where the streaming window hung while streaming a game.
Fixed a problem where the FreeStyle filter “+” button wasn’t working with all languages set in the operating system
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback!
GeForce NOW 2.0.21 の新機能
Personalize Your Gameplay with FreeStyle Game Filters
NVIDIA Freestyle
game filters allow you to apply post-processing filters on your games while you play.
You can instantly change the look and mood of your game with tweaks to color or saturation, or apply dramatic post-process filters like HDR.
Available for PC and macOS apps only, use the in-game overlay (CTRL-G on Windows or Cmd-G on macOS) to apply filters, adjust keyboard shortcuts, view your Gallery, and a whole lot more.
Need help with FreeStyle? Start
App Polish
Game launch time has been reduced by up to three seconds. You’ll really feel this if your device has slower hard drives.
UI fit-and-finish improvements, including tweaks to game details and game artwork spacing. Kinda like spring cleaning for UX designers.
Search results have been improved for games that are on multiple game stores.
The ability to resume playing a game across different devices has been improved.
The app now consumes less memory. Save that RAM for your web browser.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where some users were getting logged out from the app on game launch.
Fixed an error report issue the network test gave some members when it detected high latency and high packet loss.
Fixed a problem where the +LIBRARY button disappears from the marquee.
Sharing Is Caring
How’d that last match go? Let us know what’s on your mind using the SEND FEEDBACK button in the app.
GeForce NOW 2.0.20 の新機能
Capture Even More Highlights
NVIDIA Highlights is a feature developed by NVIDIA that many industry leading developers have implemented in their games to allow gamers to easily capture and share their best moments.
Current games that support NVIDIA Highlights include
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
. For a full list of games, please read
this Highlights knowledge base article.
This new app release adds some new technology that uses smart pattern and image recognition in our cloud servers to detect key moments in games. When one of those moments is detected, like a game-winning kill, we capture and save the highlight automatically.
Over the next few weeks, PC users will see support for our first two games -
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
. Let no victory go unrecorded! We’ll add support for the feature to more games over time. Stay tuned to see which games get support next and when we add macOS support!
Use the in-game overlay (CTRL-G on Windows or Cmd-G on Mac) to turn on Highlights, view your Gallery, change your keyboard shortcuts, and more.
New Sorting and Filtering Controls
Sort your GeForce NOW library by game store, genre, or game name, alphabetically.
These new options are available in the top right corner of the app when you click “SEE MORE” in the My Library and our sections - like Free to Play.
Keyboard Layout Control
Option to override automatic keyboard detection in the GeForce NOW app. The override takes effect once you launch your next game session.
Use this override if your physical keyboard layout doesn’t match the layout in your streaming session, keeping you from typing the correct characters. Read more about it in our
knowledge base
TL;DR: Now you can get back to trash talking in your native language.
App Polish
Improved the login experience for members that use Google accounts.
Fixed an error message that occurs if you try to launch a second stream using the same account. Don’t cross the streams. It would be bad.
More streaming quality of service improvements.
We shaved another 500ms off game startup time.
Bug Fixes
Removed infinite spinners some users were seeing on the play button for games in-app.
The marquee (top section) of our app could show a spinner if you have no internet connection
Fixed inconsistent localizations for some text strings
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. We read it all, and we’re proud of you. Hit the exclamation icon and share your feedback!
GeForce NOW 2.0.19 の新機能
Streaming Quality Improvements
Streaming quality has been improved on networks with high packet loss.
Prevented streaming quality bars from appearing when our app falsely detects poor networks.
Improved game start-up-time from when you click a game in our app to when the stream starts by about 400ms. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.
Patching and Maintenance Mode
All our apps - PC, macOS, SHIELD and Android - will now display patching and maintenance status for games. These messages appear on mouse hover (on PC and macOS), when you search for games from our search box and in game details.
Patching status means that game is currently being updated. They’re usually available again in a few hours, though occasionally it can take longer than that.
Maintenance means that the game has to be taken offline and may not be available to play for several days or, in rare cases, weeks.
App Polish and Bug Fixes
Fixed an app bug that allowed the option to +LIBRARY to be visible for games in the search bar when they were already in your library.
Fixed a problem that prevented some Japanese characters from working when you use them in the search bar.
Improved log in performance for some members who were experiencing long connection times.
An error message has been added for cases where members have upgraded to Founders, but the app still thinks they have Free memberships.
Let’s Hear From You
Every time you share your feedback with us, an engineer gains XP. Help our engineers reach max level: Hit the exclamation icon and tell us what you think of GeForce NOW!
GeForce NOW 2.0.18 の新機能
App Polish
Performance has been improved when activating the in-game overlay (CTRL+G or CMD+G). You can use the overlay to access our
NVIDIA Highlights
feature and other settings while streaming.
Fixed fuzzy text UI issues on high DPI displays, such as Retina notebooks and iMacs. This doesn’t change the text you see while streaming, but it will help improve in-app dialog boxes and messages.
Improved search results to no longer show cached games, which may no longer be available to play.
Let’s Hear From You
Every time you share your feedback with us, an engineer gains XP. Help our engineers reach max level: Hit the exclamation icon and tell us what you think of GeForce NOW!
GeForce NOW 2.0.17 の新機能
Streaming Improvements for Poor Network Conditions
Your in-home network can mean the difference between victory and lag. This release adds optimizations to improve frame loss and latency on poor networks.
If you want to optimize further, check out these
, and make sure you meet our
streaming requirements.
Ready to finally upgrade that router? We have a list of
recommended options
, optimized for GeForce NOW.
User Interface Updates for Game Store Support
We’ve added a new UI callout to better identify which game store a game is available on. You’ll see this now on search, our marquee (top banner area) and in the game details.
Search for your game and you’ll see big, beautiful text for the supported game store.
Want to try this out? Type in “Wolcen” into the search bar.
Please note we do not list all platforms yet, but we are working on it.
Game Content Ratings
Content ratings have been added to the game details for all games, including ESRB, PEGI, USK, GRAC and CERO systems.
If a game does not have an official rating from those content rating systems, we instead provide our recommended age rating.
Other Changes
Improved Russian translations in the Streaming Quality section of our app. Большое спасибо Данил и Денис!
Several minor fixes introduced for people upgrading to Founders membership when the app doesn’t think purchase was completed.
Miscellaneous improvements for overall app quality, stability and reliability. You go for the win, we’ll handle the details.
Let’s Hear From You
What’s on your mind?
Your feedback fuels GeForce NOW like coffee powers our engineers. Hit the exclamation icon in the app and let us know what you think!
GeForce NOW 2.0.16 の新機能
GeForce NOW: GeForce Gaming, Available to All
We are excited to announce that our beta test period has ended, and GeForce NOW is open to everyone. Ready to get started?
Read on
GeForce NOW members in regions serviced by alliance partners (GFN.ru, LGU+, Softbank) will continue to experience the service as offered by those alliance partners. Look for updates from them for any service changes in their regions.
Search in More Languages
Our Search bar’s been studying - you can now search to find a specific game in our PC and macOS apps if it has a name in your language.
Want to find Fortnite? Sure, you can search for the game in English, but in South Korea the game is known as 포트나이트. Using either name will get you into the action.
Even if your chosen game doesn’t have a non-English name, you can now search using keywords or genres in your local language. Give it a try!
More Game Info
We’ve added more info to game details
Want to know if your chosen game has controller support, or includes multiplayer modes? You can find that info under the game’s details.
Other Changes
Fit and finish improvements, designed to make browsing the app easier and faster and improve overall stability. These are little details that maybe you won’t notice, but keep our UI designers up at night. Get some sleep, guys!
For instance, switching between rows when expanding the game details is much more comfortable, and it’s now much harder to accidentally change the game in the evidence panel as you move your mouse across the screen.
Added a workaround for macOS users with Japanese 106 key keyboard layouts that are unable to type an underscore (“_”) when streaming. Please use “SHIFT + _” when streaming.
Other miscellaneous fixes. You may not see them, but they’ll improve overall app quality, stability, and reliability.
Let’s Hear From You
Share your feelings. GeForce NOW gets better every time you share your input with us. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.15 の新機能
Local Mouse Cursor Added
We now draw the mouse cursor locally in your app with games that use a hardware cursor, such as League of Legends and Path of Exile.
This improves latency, speeds up cursor response times, and improves game menu navigation, resulting in a better overall mouse feel.
Click the exclamation icon and let us know how the new cursor works for you. Your feedback helps us dial it in.
Gotta Go Fast
Game sessions will now launch even faster - by as much as 1.3 seconds. Every second you’re not in the game is a moment wasted, right?
New and Improved Network Tester
The time it takes to run a network test has been reduced from around 15 seconds to a mere five seconds. We are rolling this update out to each of our GeForce NOW data centers over the coming weeks, so it may take some time to reach everyone.
Need even more help with your connection? Click
New Highlights In-Game Overlay Shortcuts
Our new app updates some keyboard shortcuts used to activate the In-Game Overlay and record your content using NVIDIA Highlights.
The new shortcuts are Ctrl+G on PC or Cmd+G on Mac.
For a full list of all keyboard shortcuts, please read this
knowledge base article
Tell Us What’s Up
GeForce NOW gets better every time you share your input with us. Use that exclamation icon in the app to give us your feedback. Thanks!
GeForce NOW 2.0.14 の新機能
Get In The Game Faster
Game sessions should launch 2-3 seconds faster, thanks to some backend magic in this update. That’s 10% faster on average.
Think of what you can do with this extra free time. You can learn a new language, or eat a pre-game snack. We vote snacks.
Game Patching Notifications
Our new app will now show if a game is patching before you launch it. Know before you go.
More info on our game patching process is a big priority for us, and we’re thrilled to make this easier for you.
Additional Language Support
The GeForce NOW app adds support for the following languages: UK English, Latin America Spanish, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian.
Improved App Visuals
Various tweaks to the way the app looks, including small changes to top-banner game images. Kind of like when Mom licks a napkin to clean your little brother’s face, but it’s a software engineer and somehow less awkward.
Other Things
Parles-tu Français ? Because if you do and you use a French keyboard you might have found our problem with using the “@” symbol to login to digital stores or game launchers. We have written
workaround steps here
and are working on a real fix in a future app update.
Tell Us What You’re Thinking
GeForce NOW gets better because of your feedback. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and share your thoughts.
GeForce NOW 2.0.61 の新機能
ストリーミング セッション、またはプレイしたいゲーム、私たちができる改善案について教えてください。アプリの感嘆符アイコンを使ってフィードバックを送信し、ご意見をお聞かせください。
GeForce NOW 2.0.59 の新機能
新しいブラウザ ストリーミング オプション
macOS (
)上の Safari ウェブブラウザを使用したストリーミングのサポートの追加。
GeForce NOW アカウント作成を効率化するための新しいログイン画面の追加。
サポートされているデバイスにおいて、一部のゲームが HDR を無効にして起動する問題の修正。
ストリーミング セッション、またはプレイしたいゲーム、私たちができる改善案について教えてください。アプリの感嘆符アイコンを使ってフィードバックを送信し、ご意見をお聞かせください。
GeForce NOW 2.0.58 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Added the ability to view your current streaming video encoding format (e.g. H.264, H,265, AV1, HEVC) with the Streaming Statistics Overlay on Windows PC, Mac, and Browser. You can use the hotkey Ctrl+N or Cmd+N to quickly toggle the overlay.
Game Session Diagnostic Tool Update
Added the ability to open your last Session Diagnostic Report by clicking the icon in the top right corner of the GeForce NOW app.
This tool analyzes the performance of your most recent game session to help members improve their streaming experience.
Note: the tool is currently limited to select members using the GeForce NOW Windows and macOS native app. For more information, visit the
NVIDIA knowledgebase
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or suggested improvements we can make. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.57 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Streamlined the membership sign up process to get you into games faster.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or suggested improvements we can make. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.56 の新機能
New Sorting and Filtering Controls
Added the ability to sort games with active promotions like “Free”, “On Sale”, or “New Content”. Promotional tags are used to highlight the most compelling offers available from our library of 1600+ supported games including new game stores, DLCs, sales, free games and more. You can also enter these terms in the search box to quickly find games with promotions.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.55 の新機能
New Game Session Diagnostic Tool
We have started the rollout of a new diagnostic tool to help members improve their streaming experience on GeForce NOW.
The tool is built into the GeForce NOW app and will automatically analyze the performance of your gaming sessions and provide potential fixes if it detects issues with your local device, network, or game settings.
The tool is currently limited to select members using the GeForce NOW Windows and macOS native app with a full release scheduled in the coming months.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.54 の新機能
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.53 の新機能
Added Browser Streaming on Android
Members can now use
to stream from Chrome browser (version 77 and later) to quickly and easily launch a session on your Android devices.
Downloading the GeForce NOW app from the Google Play Store will provide the best experience on Android devices.
Bug Fixes
General stability and performance improvements.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.52 の新機能
Fit and Finish
The app now includes promotional tags on featured games. These tags are curated to highlight the most compelling offers available from our library of 1600+ supported games. Look for these promotional tags to highlight things like new content, DLCs, sales, free games and more.
Improved the accuracy of the in-app search bar to deliver better results when looking for a specific game or publisher.
Added surround audio modes when streaming from Windows or macOS supported browsers. Performance memberships support 2-channel stereo and 5.1 surround. Ultimate memberships support 2-channel stereo, 5.1 surround, and 7.1 surround. Note: Chrome browser version 114 or later is required on macOS to support 7.1 surround.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.51 の新機能
Bug Fixes
Various fixes.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.50 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Updated the GeForce NOW network test to run in the background when launching games on Windows and macOS apps.
Performance improvements and bug fixes to enhance your experience.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.49 の新機能
Fit and Finish
Improvements to the GeForce NOW loading screen when launching games to show a game wallpaper.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a performance issue when bringing up or closing the GeForce NOW in-game overlay.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.48 の新機能
Ultimate Performance Powered by RTX 4080
Our new GeForce NOW Ultimate membership is here and GeForce RTX 4080-class performance is rolling out to members in the US and Europe through NVIDIA’s service. This membership upgrade brings support for the latest NVIDIA RTX technologies. Full ray tracing and DLSS 3 deliver beautiful, cinematic-quality graphics while using AI to keep frame rates smooth in supported games.
Experience never-before-seen cloud gaming features, including: competitive mode streaming at up to 240 frames per second, powered by NVIDIA Reflex, for the lowest latency ever from the cloud; upgraded streaming resolutions at up to 4K 120 fps on the native PC and Mac apps; and new support for native ultrawide resolutions at up to 3840x1600 120fps resolutions for a truly immersive experience.
Members can sign up today for the GeForce NOW Ultimate membership for $19.99 per month or $99.99 for six months. Existing GeForce RTX 3080 members’ accounts have already been converted to Ultimate memberships at their current pricing, and will provide GeForce RTX 4080 performance as soon as it’s available in their regions.
RTX 4080 servers have begun rolling out in North America and Europe with additional servers coming online regularly. Visit the GeForce NOW status page
to see if RTX 4080 servers are available in your region or
for general information.
Browser Streaming Improvements
Added the Streaming Statistics Overlay on
to access real-time streaming statistics using the hotkey Ctrl+N on PC/Chrome OS or Cmd+N on macOS. The same hotkey will also quickly toggle between Standard and Compact modes.
Added support for streaming from Microsoft Edge browser on macOS.
Bug Fixes
Various fixes related to managing connected accounts including “Account Connection Failed” errors when attempting to sync your Ubisoft or Steam library.
Whatcha Thinking?
Tell us about your streaming session, or what games you want to play, or how you won that last match even after your teammates dropped. Use that exclamation icon to send feedback in the app and let us know what you think.
GeForce NOW 2.0.47 の新機能
Ubisoft Connect Game Library Sync
We added game library sync for Ubisoft games purchased directly from Ubisoft or Epic Games Store. All supported GeForce NOW games will be added to “My Library” when you link your NVIDIA and Ubisoft accounts.
To get started, go to GeForce NOW settings > Connections. Once linked, you will find your Ubisoft Connect games in “My Library”. You will be logged into your Ubisoft account automatically when you play these titles on any GeForce NOW platform. Note: you may need to reconnect your Ubisoft account to enable game library sync if you have linked previously.
For more information, visit the
NVIDIA knowledgebase